المعهد العالى للهندسة والتكنولوجيا بالمنوفية

اخبار المعهد

المؤتمر العلمي لقسم هندسة مدنية
Scientific conference of the Department of civil engineering

It is on Sunday, 8/5/2022, at exactly one o'clock in the afternoon, the scientific conference of the department was held under the chairmanship of A.M.Dr. Ghada Musa Heikal "chairman of the department Council"we were honored to attend Mr.Dr. Dean of the Institute and Mr. A.Dr / deputy of the Institute for community service and the environment and each of the faculty members and members of the supporting body in the Department :

This was opened by Mr. A.D / chairman of the department Council (Conference work ) welcome the attendees to the conference and reviewed the most important statistics and developments of the department during the academic year - then moved to an open discussion between the students and Mr. Prof. Dr. Dean of the Institute and the faculty members of the department, the views and proposals focused on the following axes :-

First topic: discussing all education and student affairs :-

A) opinions and suggestions of the members of the conference to raise the level of education and scientific development as follows:-

1-the members of the conference believe that communication with the graduates of the department should continue and guide them and provide the necessary courses for them and necessary to keep pace with the labor market.

2-the members of the conference consider that the review of scientific curricula every year with the addition of each new to develop engineering education.

3-the need to declare places for field training approved by the Institute clearly to ensure that the student benefits from the training.

4 conference members recognized the importance of following up students in the field training phase.

5. the students suggested that the dates between Field Training 1 and 2 should not conflict, as some students had to attend both training in the same year.

6-many students demanded to hold a lot of specialized training courses during the summer holidays with the financial support of the Institute.

7-the students of the third year expressed their desire to add some graduation projects next academic year, such as metal facilities projects, Project Management, Health Engineering.

8-some students made a proposal to link the theoretical scientific content to the practical reality by allocating some course hours to site visits and practical application.

9-the students suggested that the design materials such as concrete and metal construction design be studied over two semesters instead of one semester to maximize the benefit of the content and absorb it adequately .

10-the students suggested increasing field visits and scientific trips to take place on a day completely free of any lectures at the Institute.

11-the students showed their desire to raise the typical answer forms for the mid-term and end-of-semester exams and to distribute the grades immediately after the exams.

12-the students showed their desire to announce the grades of their final year before the start of the exams.


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